Little Mouse, who lives in Little Butte Creek Canyon, is a unique and creative thinker who never shies away from challenges. His most recent achievement is modifying the power of a lever to become a model to help animals and inspire humankind. He contacts his good friend Dr. Barnes, who has been recording Little Mouse’s adventures and relaying them to his students, and invites him to come to his home in Little Butte Creek Canyon to see this wondrous invention.
But Dr. Barnes has a visitor—his niece, Shauna. Shauna knows of Little Mouse from her uncle’s stories, but she doesn’t know this animal is someone she can actually meet—and she’s about to.
Children, teachers, and parents will be inspired by this heartwarming tale of ingenuity as Little Mouse demonstrates how the three parts of the lever—leverage, fulcrum, and balance—can guide them in seeking out and developing their true potential. Along the way, young readers will learn how to persevere in pursuit of their goals and know, as Little Mouse does, that where there’s a will, there’s a way.
The Legacy of Little Mouse the Mouse is the second in the Little Mouse the Mouse series. (It is recommended that this book be read after the first book in the series, The Adventures of Little Mouse.
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