LM's June 16, 2019 Sunday Thought
"Fatherhood is a virtuous model of courage, justice, and prudence.
Together, motherhood (see Thought #94 below) and fatherhood provide
their children a complete hands-on model of the cardinal virtues of
prudence, temperance, courage, and justice."
Keep it up, Dads! The world really needs you!
Happy Father's Day!
(. . . and my sincere apology to all the dads
who ran out the house in fright because of my fellow mice.)"
"When you have a problem,
and you don't know what to do,
just ask yourself,
"What would Little Mouse do?"
(Book #1)
"Once you know T.R.Y. and your mission in life,
nothing can stop you along the way." (Book #2, pages 116-125, 191)
"We all have boulders in our lives, ready to crush our spirits.
We just have to leverage our way out of them (Book #1)
and tap into our true selves." (Book #2)
"Turn your mistakes into gems of wisdom." (Book #1)
"Let your brilliant cut shine."
(Book #2, page 189-191)
"Failure is the father of strong character." (Book #1)
"You can become whatever you were born to be
if you try T.R.Y." (Book #2, page 116)
"Think good thoughts and the bad ones will melt away." (Book #2)
"What you think and do today decides your tomorrow."
"Before you go to sleep at night, make a mental list
of what went right that day."
"Be nice to others, just as you would like them to be nice to you." (Books #1 & #2)
"What are the boulders or roadblocks in your life? Do what I did:
Write down what is the problem, what should be, and form a plan and execute it.
If you solve it, good.If you don't, try a different plan.
Don't give up until you've given it your best effort." (Book #1)
"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.
Instead, think about how you might say it or act upon it in a positive way."
"I agree with what Nancy says . . . You can't go wrong if you try to help someone."
"I am pleasantly pleased that adults also love the books. In fact, Gray Squirrel
had a thought the other day. She said, "It sounds to me, Little Mouse, that
kids ought to give these books as gifts to their parents and teachers."
"Goodness begets goodness. So, be the best you can be in what you think, say, and do ."
"Don't forget to try the lever experiments at the end of The Adventures of Little Mouse.
What fun you will have!"
"Seeking and doing what is right is 90% of the solution."
"You might like to draw pictures of parts you like best in The Adventures of Little Mouse.
You might even like to act out scenes or events."
"You can always find something special and good in your life.
Each day, think about it and build upon it."
"Virtues build.
Vices destroy."
"Moral balance is the equalizer
for inequality and differences."
(First edition Book 2, pages 161-166,
Revised edition Book 2, pages 162-164)
"For this New Year of 2018
may we recognize and utilize all the good within and around us each day.
May we, also, forgive ourselves and others
when we've gone astray,
"And may we renew our commitment to ourselves and others
each and every day."
(Book #2 pages 116-194)
"Honesty is the mainstay of integrity."
(First edition Book #2, pages 162-163,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 163-164)
"Win or lose,
you strengthen your character & society
when you play by the rules."
(First Edition Book #2, page 163,
Revised edition Book #2, page 164)
"Unwanted red or yellow zone thoughts may come our way,
but thank goodness we're only responsible for how we behave."
(First edition Book #2, pages 150-153, 162, 187, 191,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 151-154, 163, 188, 192)
"Goodness is the ultimate class act."
(First edition Book #1, pages 3, 34-41, 73-84, 95, 96;
First edition Book #2, pages 118. 119, 188, 191
Revised edition Book #2 pages 118, 119, 189, 192)
"Being good & doing good may take some heat,
but it's the only way to reach your peak."
(First edition Book #2, pages 118, 123, 161, 179, 183, 188, 249;
Revised edition Book #2, pages 118, 123, 162, 180, 184, 189, 249)
"Right is right, and wrong is wrong.
There's no in-between."
(First edition Book #2, pages 153, 154, 157, 164,
Second edition Book #2, pages 154, 155, 158, 165)
"Looks, wealth, friends, and fame may come and go,
but when it comes to character you have sole control
. . . to the very end."
(First edition Book #2, pages 116, 117, 162-166, 168, 249,
Second edition Book #2, pages 116, 117, 163-167, 169, 251)
"Prudence, temperance, courage, justice and honesty
along with faith, hope, and charity
are the elements and glue that make a great society.
Please teach it, act it, maintain it for the sake of prosperity."
(First edition Book #2, pages 162-163, 246,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 163-164, 248)
"If you don't have a plan for life, you get what comes your way.
If you do, you get to chose and have a say."
(Book #2 pages vi, xiv, 93, 112, 113, 117, 119, 121, 122, 130, 142, 146, 186, 249, 257, chpts. 6-12)
Which YOU do you plan to work on?
Is it The Ordinary You (TOY)
The Real You (TRY) in you?
Of the two, TRY knows the most about you.
(Book #2)
"Study for knowledge rather than grades.
Knowledge becomes part of you; whereas, grades fade away."
(First edition Book #2, page 125,
Revised edition Book #2, page 126)
"Vices come out of the lower, primitive brain.
Virtues come out of the higher, logical, developed brain.
Unlike vices, virtuous habits have to be modeled and taught."
(First edition Book #2, pages 162-163, 188, 191,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 163-164, 189, 192)
"Your mind is a beautiful neuronal-computer mystery,
which has been programmed with your DNA.
Frequently "tweet" and "text" it to be good as you can be,
and you'll accomplish your special purpose and mission in life."
(Book #2, Chapters 8 - 12, page 110, 112)
"As reported on PBS NewsHour, April 5, 2018,
one gram of your DNA could store all Facebook and Google's data.
For that reason, it behooves you to install the best apps
of knowledge and wholesomeness in your neuronal cloud-mind,
so your DNA program can lead you to your true gifts and purpose."
(Book #2, Chapters 8-12)
"Go deep within your cosmic brain, past your first cry,
your mother's voice, your father's hand;
Past your first taste of cotton candy
and sights of butterfly wings, and falling snow;
Then continue on to the first breathtaking
sunrises and sunsets on the horizontal plane;
Then direct your Wi-Fi mind to interconnect
with the light waves of a brilliant star-studded sky;
And ask your miniature cosmos-platform . . . WHO AM I?"
(First edition Book #2, pages 133-135,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 134-136)
"Since the beginning of time,
goodness has had the best bottom line."
(First edition Book #2, pages 118, 130, and 188.
Revised edition Book #2, pages 119, 131 and 189.)
"Goodness to self and others is a healer and an achiever
to be unwrapped within your DNA-programmed brain,
purposely available and free."
(First edition Book #2, pages 136, 183,
Revised Book #2, pages 136, 184.)
"Wholesome balance is the brain-smile of feeling good the natural way.
It lies between two extremes---too much or too little of a good thing."
(First edition Book #2, Chapters 10, 11 and 12,
Revised edition Book #2, Chapters 10, 11 and 12.)
"Provide your neurons with wonderful things
and they'll connect in surprising special ways."
(First edition Book #2, pages 130, 131, 132, and 137.
Revised Book #2, pages 131, 132, 133 and 138)
"Once you have a mission
bigger than yourself---
money, celebrity, time, and effort
don't seem to count.
Consider motherhood,
fatherhood, and faith
and you'll get a glimpse
of the point I make."
"Forgiveness is an elixir of a healthy mind"
"For our neurons to arrive at truth,
they need more than one-sided proofs."
"Goodness brings happiness,
badness does not,
whichever we choose
becomes our lot."
"One way to build confidence
is to do things
you think you can't do.
Little by little,
your self-assurance
will improve."
"Treat your body, mind, and soul (T.R.Y.)
just right, and you'll have a happier, healthier life."
(Book #2, Chpts. 8-12)
"Good thoughts come when gazing at the blue sky.
If you don't believe me, give it a try."
"Why is it that one's EQ rather than IQ is a better predictor
of well-being as well as achieving personal and social success?
. . . because IQ tests don't test for how good a person will turn out or those facets
discussed in Book 2--The Legacy of Little Mouse the Mouse . . .
personal feelings, moods, aspiration, purpose, calling, drive, desire, willpower, honesty, courage, self-control,
steadfastness, common sense, fairness, empathy, habits, balance, leverage, great-souled friends, family,
society, work ethics, attitude, love, compassion, faith, hope, charity, the true essence of you (TRY and O & S)."
"Do you know of anyone that ever felt bad for doing good?
No, because our minds & bodies are programmed for doing good."
(Book #2, see LM's model)
"The physiology of the brain is programmed
for communicating pleasure and pain,
but when it comes to opinions and truths,
it depends on us
to separate our predilections from the proofs."
Think of all the people
who've done you good,
and you'll know why
you, likewise, should."
SPECIAL NOTE: Today marks my first anniversary of "Thoughts."
Thank you for your ongoing support and kind words.
"Goodness is the sweet spot,
the Golden Mean, and Brilliant Cut,
between the two vices of too little or too much."
(First edition Book #2, pages 205-206,
Revised edition Book #2, pages 206-207)
"There's surely a heaven and hell on earth.
Our neuronal minds and bodies,
give us corresponding pleasure and pain,
depending on the choices we make."
"For those of you just starting out,
take a look at how people turn out.
Emulate the good, avoid the bad,
and, in the long run, you'll be glad."
"Having good friends in life
are beneficial for you,
especially those who have
the same values and goals you do."
"Honor, integrity, inner strength,
and a purpose above self
is what my series is all about
to read and discuss with young & old."
There's no bigger block
of cheese than that!
"Doing good is what it takes
to know your better self."
"Honesty . . .
holds you accountable to yourself and others,
and gives you peace of mind."
"No one knows your destiny better than you.
Seek it out and go for your Brilliant Cut!"
(First Edition Book #2, page 188,
Revised edition Book #2, page 189)
"Goodness is a pharmaceutical supplement
for a healthy you."
"External rewards can challenge one's character.
Intrinsic rewards build it."
"Those who carry out their true calling,
never work another day in their life."
"Those who build a life, a family, and a nation
with common sense, honesty, self-control, and
strength of character will come out ahead
and will never end up on a slippery slope."
"Moral virtues are to a democracy
as oxygen is to life."
"BEING GOOD has nothing to do with
being good for the sake of your parents or teachers
(although it can and should).
It's really about being good to yourself for your own sake.
For, practicing good health and moral habits, acquiring adequate
knowledge, developing your gifts, and making balanced choices,
is the only way that you will come to know
"The Real You" --- who you really are and called to be.
(First edition Book 2, pages 118, 136, 188 - Revised edition Book 2, pages 118-119, 137, 189)
"DOING GOOD is sharing your knowledge, gifts, talents, and better self
with others (See Thought #67).
"To all the Camp Fire responders---too many to list---from first responders
to insurance companies, from compassionate businesses to citizens,
THANK YOU for exemplifying the meaning of GOODNESS!
(See BE GOOD and DO GOOD, #67 and #68 above.)
"Who am I? and Who am I born to be?
Avoid choosing the easy path and you shall see."
"In good times or bad . . .
faith, hope, and love is the pathway
to goodness, recovery, or a new start."
"No one fails when they strive to become
the person they were born to be."
"Try T.R.Y. and you'll never want."
(Book #2)
"Where there's a will, there's a way,
given the right desire and purpose each day."
(Book #1 and #2)
"You and only you are the best person to define who you want to be."
"A good attitude is an exponential gift."
"An average is not mediocre
when it falls within an exemplary range or population.
In fact, it can be a sweet spot, for it is neither too high or two low
to be envied or criticized."
"You can't reach your full potential
without being and doing good."
"Thoughtfully source your gifts
& transform them into your Brilliant Cut."
"Goodness never fails."
"The only right & good that comes
from wrong & bad is a U-Turn."
"Go above the fray.
Look for all the goodness that surrounds you each day."
"Those who achieve moral balance
have their lives on a string."
"Go above the fray.
Look for all the goodness that surrounds you each day."
"We've all been given an extraordinary gift of life.
Let's make it good and make it matter."
"Most recently, scientists found
that positive and negative emotions are contagious.
So, that got me thinking . . .
Let's start a worldwide pandemic, right here in the good old USA,
starting with our immediate family and others each day.
It's no wonder that Larry Shay's co-authored 1928 song was such a hit!
'When You're Smiling, the Whole World Smiles with You.'
I love to sing this song when I'm harvesting woolly mullein."
"When learning new and difficult things,
the old saying 'Third time is a charm' is good advice
before throwing in the cheesecloth.
By the third time, most likely, you'll find a
clearer and straighter path to the cheese."
"Life is so simple
that it's hard.
For we look outside ourselves,
rather than seeking the answers within."
"Good perceptions give rise to good thoughts.
Good thoughts lead to good actions.
Good actions become good habits.
Good habits produce good character,
and good character determines one's destiny."
"When you think you're stupid or dumb,
note such a thought only comes to naught.
Rather, take the time and effort to teach your neuronal lot ---
through knowledge, conation, balance, and your DNA gifts."
(as referenced in Legacy of Little Mouse the Mouse)
"Whether you're down and out or at the top of your game,
frame your mind to say:
The best is yet to come my way."
"Our neurons are like a nickelodeon,
they play back our input."
"Honesty never comes back to haunt you.
[Tact and diplomacy may be required
when dealing with other people.]"
"Honesty sets you free,
to be the person you were born to be."
William Ross Wallace's 1867 poem later entitled
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand That Rules the World,
stands true today, as it has throughout the history of humankind.
"Motherhood is a virtuous gift of unconditional love, temperance and prudence
that has a profound influence in forming the future souls and
conduct of the world. Keep it up, Moms! The world really needs you!
Happy Mother's Day!"
(. . . and my sincere apology to all the moms
who jumped up on chairs in fright because of my fellow mice.)
Isn't it interesting that it takes opposing extremes coming together to produce electricity,
harmony, ecosystems, the cosmos, democracy, virtues, balance, and so much
more. Some 2300 years ago, Aristotlle called this sweet spot the Golden Mean.
In my Model of Excellence, I call it the Brilliant Cut. (Book 2, pp. 188-192)
"Extremes left unchecked are destructive."
"Be good to your body and mind,
for they give back in kind."
"Given the eternal battle between good and bad
immorality always tips the scale in societies
that don't have time to teach and model moral values.
For immorality takes no time to learn;
it's just an effortless, lower, primitive brain thing."
"Good manners build character."
Order now: The Adventures of Little Mouse
Order now: The Legacy of Little Mouse the Mouse
Order now: Thoughts to Ponder from Little Mouse the Mouse