The following index is provided for those who would like to refer to The Legacy of Little Mouse the Mouse for particular topics or thoughts:
Archimedes 89, 92, 146
Aristotle 151, 205
Attitude 117, 133, 137, 138, 167 171, 186, 196
Be Good & Do Good Diamond 135-140, 188, 191
Lower One 118
Upper One 119
Be Good & Do Good Facet Sheets 140-142
Brilliant Cut 135,136,141,161,167,187,189,224,256
Diamond in the Rough 134-135
Failure 93, 246
Great-Souled Friend 113-114
Human Fulcrum 109
Great-Soul Friends 113-114
Origin & Source 109 - 110
Human Powers
Leverage, Support, Balance 95, 146, 245, 246, 248
(See "The First-Class Lever" below.)
The Big Two 118, 188, 191
The Big Three 121,184, 186
The Big Four 162-163
The Special Eight 128-130, 136-138
The Special Four 118 -119, 120, 129
LM's Crown of Crowns & Brilliant cut 188-191
LM Model 255-258
Analogy 131-134
Definition 130
Description 130-131
Eight Action Shapers 128-130, 136-138
Practice 130-131
Origin & Source (O&S) 110
Practice 44, 104, 130, 131, 138
Round Brilliant Fifty-Eight Facet Cut 136-142
The First-Class Lever 255-257
Definition 95
The Metaphor 96-97
Part I ---Leveraging 97-105, 107, 142
Part II---Fulcrum Supports 107-109, 147
Part III---Wholesome Balance 142, 144-150
The Golden Mean 151-152, 205-206, 256
Go Green 152
Diamond Mean 152
Just Right 151
Mean Diamond 206
Sweet Spot 206
The Ordinary You (TOY) vs. The Real You (TRY) 116-118
Thoughts to Ponder and Discuss
Are we a universe within a universes or more? 133-134
How does one leverage their loads? Try it! 104-105
Who is your best support, next support, and third support? 108-110
What is your purpose on earth? 112-113
What is your mission on earth? 112-113
How do I find THE REAL YOU in me? 122-130, 136-143
How do you want your book to turn out? 242-243
Is failure good or bad? 246
Learning hard things vs. easy things 125, 245-247
How did Little Mouse get so smart? 247-250
Of the six major support groups in your life, where do you fit in --- in importance? 88, 108-118, 135
Trademark 258
The Real You 116 -118, 162, 163
Discover, Learn, Aim, Choose, Cultivate, Apply, Contribute, Behave 128-130, 137
Gifts, Knowledge, Conation, and Wholesomeness 118 -119, 120, 129
Purpose 117-118
Finding it 122-125, 138, 163-165, 184
Wholesome Balance Facets
Affective Balance 169
Balancing Interconnecting Facets 187
Conative Balance 184
Mental Balance 173
Moral Balance 162
Pecuniary Balance 179
Physical Balance 154
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